Thursday, February 21, 2013

Part Two

     The effects of mankind upon his host planet are varied and many. Further, the negative effects of mankind upon his host planet are varied and many. Is an example really necessary to prove that claim? Any small child can look out at the world around her and see the trash that litters the streets. Only by living under a rock could one conceivably hide from the facts. Mankind has not been gentle upon the earth.
     This brings me back to the question at hand: What is wrong with the world? Surely, the answer is “Mankind”. Although mankind has only utilized his skill just as any other creature would, he is still the problem.
     In a surprising turn of events, I would like to submit the refreshing rebuttal that we are not the problem.  The problem is our attitude about ourselves. When we look at the problems of the world, who is always the culprit? Lions and tigers and bears? Oh my, of course not. We, human beings, are the culprits. The facts will back me up: humanity is having a negative effect on the planet.
     When we look at the problems of the world, what is the go to solution? The most common answer that I am aware of is that humans should be less involved. We are bad people; thus, we need to reduce our impact.
     It is this attitude that is stopping us from solving the problem. Because we see ourselves as the problem, it is impossible to see ourselves as the solution. In order to change the world, in order to make sure that this planet will be around for our children and our children’s children, we need to see ourselves as the solution.
     Nothing will change unless this attitude changes. Focusing on the negative, ignoring the silver lining, denying the possibilities, will never lead to advancement. How many achievements have been accomplished by those who believe themselves unworthy of their goals? Did the Wright brothers propel humanity into the skies with the belief that they were fundamentally unable to fly?
     We are prisoners on this broken planet, and our shackles and chains are the thought that we are a problem. Scientists and the media drill this into our heads: humanity is a poison. Our poison is seeping into the planet and destroying it.
     Just as the story Hitler told was enacted by the Germans, so is this story taken to heart. We are the problem because we are told we are the problem and because we are enacting that particular story. Obviously, there is truth to this story; every story hides some drop of reality. Obviously, there is a basis of truth to the idea that humankind has not been so kind to its host.
     However, as long as we tell ourselves this, the longer it shall be perpetuated. The story that is whispered into our ears is the story that dictates our actions.  How can we ever become a solution when the Mother Culture’s cries of our unworthiness are echoing from every square inch of the land and sky?
     We have as much right to this planet as any other creature. Neither the giraffe nor the hamster nor the badger would be a better conservator than we have shown ourselves to be.  Surely, we have not succeeded, but neither have we failed. 
     It’s time to turn the page, move on to the next chapter, and never forget the last. The last chapter in our history has shown what we are capable of. The next chapter will show us who we are.
     Are we saviors? Are we heroes? Or will we sit idly by and wallow under the smothering “knowledge” that we are the problem?
     It’s time to turn to the next story, the one that wrote us as victors and heroes. Only by seeing ourselves as the solution will we ever become the solution. This story is still being written, but it is time to ask ourselves the burning question.
     Will the protagonists be ready?

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